Dairy proc
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Dairy processing handbook

Contents1 Primary production of milk 12 The chemistry of milk 133 Rheology 374 Micro-organisms 455 Collection and reception of milk 656 Building-blocks of dairy processing 736.1 Heat exchangers 756.2 Centrifugal separators andmilk fat standardisation systems 916.3 Homogenisers 1156.4 Membrane filters 1236.5 Evaporators 1336.6 Deaerators 1396.7 Pumps 1436.8 Pipes, valves and fittings 1536.9 Tanks 1616.10 Process Control 1656.11 Service systems 1757 Designing a process line 1898 Pasteurised milk products 2019 Longlife milk 21510 Cultures and starter manufacture 23311 Cultured milk products 24112 Butter and dairy spreads 26313 Anhydrous milk fat 27914 Cheese 28715 Whey processing 33116 Condensed milk 35317 Milk powder 36118 Recombined milk products 37519 Ice cream 38520 Casein 39521 Cleaning of dairy equipment 40322 Dairy effluents 415Literature 425Index 427 展开全部∨ 1 回答 ·  4 关注
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