References1 G.Tyler, AA or ICP - which do you choose?Chemistry in Australia, Vol 59, No 4,pp 150-152, April 1992.2 A.R. Date and A...
References1 G.Tyler, AA or ICP - which do you choose?Chemistry in Australia, Vol 59, No 4,pp 150-152, April 1992.2 A.R. Date and A.L. Gray, Applications of ICPMS,Blackie, Glasgow, UK, 1989.3 K.E. Jarvis, A.L. Gray, and R.S. Houk,Handbook of ICP-MS, Blackie, Glasgow, UK,1992.4 M.Thompson, J.N. Walsh, Handbook ofInductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy,Blackie, Glasgow, UK, 1983.5 J.E. Cantle, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy,Elsevier, 1982.6 Analytical Methods for Liberty ICPSpectrometer, Varian publication 85 100938 00,Chapter 5, pp 81-82.7 J.Olesik, Elemental Analysis Using ICP-OESand ICP-MS, Anal. Chem. Vol 63 No 1, Jan 11991 pp 12A-21A.Table 1. Checklist of analytical requirements1. How many samples/week?2. What are the sample types? (steels, rocks,effluents, soils, etc)3. What method of dissolution may be employed?4. How many and what elements need to bedetermined?5. What are the concentration ranges?6. What sample volume is typically available?7. What other options/accessories are beingconsidered? Why?8. How important is isotope information to you?9. How much money is available to purchase orlease costs/month?10. What is the cost of ownership and runningcosts for the techniques to fulfil therequirements?11. What skilled operators are available to you?