新版PrEN71-3-2013中 I.2对六价铬有下面的描述:I.2? Chromium VI As a first action method, the migration of combined chromium can be determined (see E on general elements). If the migration of combined Chromium (i.e. Chromium (III) + Chromium (VI)) is below the maximum limit for Chromium (VI), it can be inferred that the material complies with the requirements for both Chromium (III) and Chromium (VI). For Chromium VI the method in Annex F the limit of quantification(LOQ) is higher than the migration limit for category I and II toy? materials.? Compliance with the limits cannot be demonstrated by a migration test, however other options are available: ?a.determination of the content of combined chromium ; ? b. safety assessment of the toy material. 1 LC-ICPMS不能测1.2类的六价铬?2 PrEN71-3-2013中的LOD,LOQ是怎么算出来的?标准没写出来,哪个单位参考了这个标准的验证试验?讲讲。。。damoguyan研究得很详细,果然是专家高手。支持!
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