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在以前的讨论中有关于基质效应的讨论,关于如何有效解决农残检测中的基质效应也有详细的讨论。但是正如有版友提出的那样,基质效应的具体原理是什么?从另一个方面来说,只有知道了其具体的原理,才能有效的解决问题。希望大家结合实际分析工作的经验多多发表自己对基质效应产生的原理。 展开全部∨ 3 回答 ·  3 关注
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那篇比较老了,这是介绍基质效应研究过程和现状比较全面的Matrix-induced response enhancement in pesticideresidue analysis by gas chromatography1The sample matrix can cause an enhancement in the observed chromatographic response for pesticide residues in a matrix extract compared with the same concentration in a matrix-free solution. The matrix increases the transfer of pesticides from hot vaporizing injectors by reducing the thermal stress for labile compounds and by masking active sites in the injector responsible for the adsorption or decomposition of polar pesticides.The use of different injector types and matrix simplification procedures can reduce matrix-induced enhancement but do not eliminate it. The most effective strategy is to use matrix-matched calibration standards or analyte protectants which equalize the response enhancement for calibration standards and sample extracts. From a practical point of view it is important that the method used to correct for matrix-induced enhancement is compatible with low system maintenance. The different approaches for correcting matrix-induced enhancement for calibration in pesticide residue analysis are discussed and compared in this review.
  10 0
现在很多国家标准都没有考虑基质效应,不知道制定标准 的专家是如何想的
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