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DHA有益婴儿大脑发育 原来是浮云一场!

对于婴儿食品广告上,DHA的字眼满天飞,但无一例外都声称DHA有益于婴儿大脑发育,有助于提高婴儿智力。然而,欧盟呢个近期将DHA的健康声明写进了法律文件。否决了DHA可优化婴儿大脑发育。纳入了DHA有益婴幼儿视力发育的健康声明。看来DHA有益于婴儿大脑发育只是浮云一场,而且有助于视力发育也要达到一定的含量才能正常发挥作用。 展开全部∨ 9 回答 ·  3 关注
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DHA claims enter EU law booksPost a commentBy Shane Starling at Vitafoods in Geneva, 11-May-2011Related topics: Regulation Controversial DHA omega-3 infant eye claims have entered European Union law after narrowly averting a last-minute challenge in the European Parliament that would have sent the claims back to the drawing board. Harry Rice, from the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, welcomed the development, which had hung in the balance after intense lobbying of Members of the European Parliament from those for and against the claims that apply to infant formula follow-on products marketed at infants between the ages of 6-12 months. “Despite a favorable opinion by qualified majority of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health Section on General Law on the DHA visual development claim, it came close to the chopping block,” opined Rice. “It had nothing to do with the science and everything to do with politics. We can’t escape the politics in this industry, but at the end of the day, science needs to prevail. Fortunately, the claim was authorized for use, but not without some significant lobbying efforts.” From May 26, 2011, three claims can be made on foods on the EU market: 1. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intake contributes to the normal visual development of infants up to 12 months of age. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 100mg of DHA. When the claim is used on follow-on formula, the food shall contain at least 0.3% of the total fatty acids as DHA. 2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) maternal intake contributes to the normal development of the eye of the foetus and breastfed infants. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to pregnant and lactating women that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The claim can be used only for food which provides a daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA. 3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) maternal intake contributes to the normal brain development of the foetus and breastfed infants. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to pregnant and lactating women that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA and EPA. The claim can be used only for food which provides a daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA. Brain optimization claim rejected A rejected claim also entered the lawbooks. It sated: "Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) contribute to the optimal brain development of infants and young children”. That rejection means the claim will be banned from November, 2011. Rice added: “While disappointing, the writing was on the wall for the rejection of the brain development claim. Based on the available scientific evidence, the Member States should have been able to come to consensus on the conditions of use. Hopefully, additional research in the future will bring them together for consensus.” DSM-Martek director of scientific affairs, Rob Winwood, told NutraIngredients at the Vitafoods trade show that the new law was, “a major step forward”.
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新闻资料:据外媒报道,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的健康声称在欧盟内部存在争议,然而,欧盟法律文件于近日最终将DHA有益婴幼儿视力发育的健康声称载入其中。 欧盟近期达成的有关DHA健康声称的决定具体如下: 1. 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)有益于12个月以下婴幼儿视力的正常发育。 使用条件:需要向消费者做出说明:日摄入100mgDHA才能发挥其健康功效。如果该健康声称用于较大婴幼儿配方奶粉产品,产品中DHA等脂肪酸的总量不应低于0.3%. 2. 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)有益于胎儿以及母乳喂养婴儿视力的正常发育。 使用条件:需要向孕妇与哺乳期妇女说明:只有每日摄入200mg的DHA并满足成人对omega-3脂肪酸的每日建议摄入量,即250 mgDHA与十二碳五烯酸(EPA)的条件时才能发挥其健康功效。 3. 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)有益于胎儿以及母乳喂养婴儿大脑的正常发育。 使用条件:需要向孕妇与哺乳期妇女说明:只有每日摄入200mg的DHA并满足成人对omega-3脂肪酸的每日建议摄入量,即250 mg DHA与十二碳五烯酸(EPA)的条件时才能发挥其健康功效。该健康声称仅限每日提供至少200 mg DHA的食品使用。 然而,欧盟最终否决了DHA可优化婴幼儿大脑发育的健康声称,该项否决同样被写进欧盟法律文件。
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