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据chemicalwatch网站消息,9月21日智利就制定食品接触材料标准召开了首次会议。 据了解,智利目前的法规并未规定化学物质的最大迁移限量,而且法规中的肯定列表也未对此作明确说明。此次标准的制定工作由智利卫生部、圣地亚哥大学、智利塑料行业协会牵头,由智利科技开发促进项目基金资助。 展开全部∨ 1 回答 ·  3 关注
Chile held its first meeting on the development of a standard to regulate food contact materials on 21 September. Chile’s current regulation does not state maximum permitted migration levels, nor are these defined in the regulation’s positive list of components. The Health Ministry (MINSAL), along with the University of Santiago (USACH), and the Association of Industrial Plastics (ASIPLA) are leading the project, which is supported by Chile’s Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Development (FONDEF).
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