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EN1186-1: 9.3 However, the experimentation can be avoided in the case of materials with a thickness greater than 0,5 mm because it is conventionally agreed, except for plasticized polymers and multi-layer materials where the food contact surfaces are different, that for these materials the calculation shall take into account the total surface exposed? If the area of the cut edges of the test specimen exceeds 10 % of the measured area of the sample then this area has to be included in the calculation of the surface area used in the calculation of overall migration. 展开全部∨ 4 回答 ·  2 关注
如果是那种按面积算限值的测试,如果样品比较厚(例如1cm),那么最后算结果的时候,侧面的面积要不要算 样品要多厚才把侧面的面积算进去呢?
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如在21 CFR 177.1520中,对于样品大小没有特殊的要求,只提到质量,那么剪板的时候,样品大小怎么控制呢?如果样品剪小了,更容易提取出来东西,造成结果有偏差。样品剪得小,按照欧盟的来说就是更严格的条件,请问有没有依据来控制样品的大小 还有,标准上的美国6号筛,10号筛换成我国的是多少目? 以上,望指点!
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我们一般要求剪到2mm*2mm美国10号 孔径是2mm*2mm
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