The type, location and sensitivity of thedetection and/or removal method shall be specified as part of the company’sdocumented system. Industry best practice shall be applied with regard to thenature of the ingredient, material, product and/or the packed product. The locationof the equipment or any other factors influencing the sensitivity of theequipment shall be validated and justified.想询问一下,标红色的部份,因有提及到应采用同行间最佳的作法,但,我们公司是小单位,作
调理食品,老板就是不愿意采购金属检出器,目前只能用磁铁栅、过筛、目视等作法来执行,会因为这样就被记下缺失吗? 烦请各位先迈帮忙解惑一下感谢。Vic