大家出口的时候,国外客户通常都需要MSDS(MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET )资料。我不知道有没有哪个网站或是哪本书可以查到各种
食品的MSDS。各种化工产品的MSDS的网站比较容易查到,可是专门的食品的MSDS好像还没有专门的网站。我们可以试着搜集整理一套MSDS全集,就像我们论坛整理的产品标准一样。也可以作为我们的论坛的一个亮点!我先提供一份水解胶原的MSDSMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Collagen HydrolysateIdentification and Information:Collagen Hydrolysate is a purified protein derived from animal sources and is not considered to be hazardous under Federal Hazard Communications Standard (29CFR 1910-1200). Collagen Hydrolysate is a food. Generally recognized as Safe (GRAS).Physical/Chemical Characteristics:Collagen Hydrolysate is a cream colored powder which dissolves readily in cold water forming a clear, light amber solution. Collagen Hydrolysate powder will begin to decompose about 100oC. Complete combustion will occur above 500oC. Fire and Explosion Hazard DataCollagen Hydrolysate is considered non-flammable. In the event of a fire, any standard agents can be used, including water, foam, alcohol foam, CO2 and dry chemicals. Reactivity Hazard DataCollagen Hydrolysate is stable and not subject to hazardous polymerization. Collagen Hydrolysate is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. Health Hazard DataCollagen Hydrolysate is not toxic or irritating. There is no risk from ingestion, inhalation or from contact with skin or eyes. Control and Protective MeasuresNo special clothing or equipment is required when working with Collagen Hydrolysate. Precautions for Safe Handling/Leak ProceduresSweep up any spills. No special disposal methods are needed. Keep away from excessive heat and contact with water.