第3项——经营食品种类(多选项)□肉类 meat□蛋及制品类 egg and egg products□水产及制品类 aquatic products and preserved aquatic products□中药材类 traditional Chinese medicinal materials of animal and plant origin □粮谷及制品类 grains and grain products□油脂及油料类 oil and oil seeds□饮料类 soft drinks and drinking water□糖类 sugar□蔬菜及制品类 vegetable and vegetable products□植物性调料类 processed flavorings of plant origin□干坚果类 dried fruits and nuts□其他植物源性食品类 other plant origin food□罐头类 canned foods□乳制品类 dairy products□蜂产品类 bee products□酒类 alcoholic beverage□糕点饼干类 pastry biscuits and crackers□蜜饯类 candied (preserved) fruits□卷烟类 cigarette□茶叶类 tea□调味品类 processed flavorings□其他加工食品类 other processed foods□特殊食品类 foods for special dietary uses□其他,请描述??others, please describe? ?这个种类是可以选择的,可以多选的。备案中这个种类的选择和收货人备案没有多大的关系,如果以后种类有增加,在网上和现场都不需要增加,因为收货人备案是针对公司的情况进行备案,公司的情况,包括营业执照上的内容,法人等。