现在买的各种包装的纯牛奶,标签明确标示着保质期。你的判断牛奶过期与否的依据是标签标识吗?一种在保质期内就结块了? 另一种过了保质期外观还是很好。这个到底应该怎么判断呢?上述这两种奶你会怎样取舍呢?都扔掉?还是都可以喝掉?还是某一种可以喝,另一种可以扔你具体是以那种标准来界定牛奶是不是不能喝了呀
关于蛋白质的分离、纯化:一般程序可分为以下几个步骤:(一)材料的预处理及细胞破碎分离提纯某一种蛋白质时,首先要把蛋白质从组织或细胞中释放出来并保持原来的天然状态,不丧失活性。所以要采用适当的方法将组织和细胞破碎。常用的破碎组织细胞的方法有:1. 机械破碎法这种...
关于蛋白质的分离、纯化:一般程序可分为以下几个步骤:(一)材料的预处理及细胞破碎分离提纯某一种蛋白质时,首先要把蛋白质从组织或细胞中释放出来并保持原来的天然状态,不丧失活性。所以要采用适当的方法将组织和细胞破碎。常用的破碎组织细胞的方法有:1. 机械破碎法这种方法是利用机械力的剪切作用,使细胞破碎。常用设备有,高速组织捣碎机、匀浆器、研钵等。2. 渗透破碎法 这种方法是在低渗条件使细胞溶胀而破碎。3. 反复冻融法 生物组织经冻结后,细胞内液结冰膨胀而使细胞胀破。这种方法简单方便,但要注意那些对温度变化敏感的蛋白质不宜采用此法。4. 超声波法 使用超声波震荡器使细胞膜上所受张力不均而使细胞破碎。5. 酶法 如用溶菌酶破坏微生物细胞等。(二) 蛋白质的抽提通常选择适当的缓冲液溶剂把蛋白质提取出来。抽提所用缓冲液的pH、离子强度、组成成分等条件的选择应根据欲制备的蛋白质的性质而定。如膜蛋白的抽提,抽提缓冲液中一般要加入表面活性剂(十二烷基磺酸钠、tritonX-100等),使膜结构破坏,利于蛋白质与膜分离。在抽提过程中,应注意温度,避免剧烈搅拌等,以防止蛋白质的变性。(三)蛋白质粗制品的获得选用适当的方法将所要的蛋白质与其它杂蛋白分离开来。比较方便的有效方法是根据蛋白质溶解度的差异进行的分离。常用的有下列几种方法:1. 等电点沉淀法不同蛋白质的等电点不同,可用等电点沉淀法使它们相互分离。2. 盐析法不同蛋白质盐析所需要的盐饱和度不同,所以可通过调节盐浓度将目的蛋白沉淀析出。被盐析沉淀下来的蛋白质仍保持其天然性质,并能再度溶解而不变性。3. 有机溶剂沉淀法中性有机溶剂如乙醇、丙酮,它们的介电常数比水低。能使大多数球状蛋白质在水溶液中的溶解度降低,进而从溶液中沉淀出来,因此可用来沉淀蛋白质。此外,有机溶剂会破坏蛋白质表面的水化层,促使蛋白质分子变得不稳定而析出。由于有机溶剂会使蛋白质变性,使用该法时,要注意在低温下操作,选择合适的有机溶剂浓度。(四)样品的进一步分离纯化用等电点沉淀法、盐析法所得到的蛋白质一般含有其他蛋白质杂质,须进一步分离提纯才能得到有一定纯度的样品。常用的纯化方法有:凝胶过滤层析、离子交换纤维素层析、亲和层析等等。有时还需要这几种方法联合使用才能得到较高纯度的蛋白质样品。
记得有个泥鳅炖豆腐。烧制方法是先把泥鳅放在容器里,倒入清水并放入少量食盐,喂养一夜后,再将泥鳅倒入有嫩豆腐的锅内加热,让它乱钻,并加葱花、味精、生姜未等佐料 。此菜豆腐洁白,味道鲜美带辣,汤汁腻香。
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DHA claims enter EU law booksPost a commentBy Shane Starling at Vitafoods in Geneva, 11-May-2011Related topics: Regulation Controv...
DHA claims enter EU law booksPost a commentBy Shane Starling at Vitafoods in Geneva, 11-May-2011Related topics: Regulation Controversial DHA omega-3 infant eye claims have entered European Union law after narrowly averting a last-minute challenge in the European Parliament that would have sent the claims back to the drawing board. Harry Rice, from the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, welcomed the development, which had hung in the balance after intense lobbying of Members of the European Parliament from those for and against the claims that apply to infant formula follow-on products marketed at infants between the ages of 6-12 months. “Despite a favorable opinion by qualified majority of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health Section on General Law on the DHA visual development claim, it came close to the chopping block,” opined Rice. “It had nothing to do with the science and everything to do with politics. We can’t escape the politics in this industry, but at the end of the day, science needs to prevail. Fortunately, the claim was authorized for use, but not without some significant lobbying efforts.” From May 26, 2011, three claims can be made on foods on the EU market: 1. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intake contributes to the normal visual development of infants up to 12 months of age. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 100mg of DHA. When the claim is used on follow-on formula, the food shall contain at least 0.3% of the total fatty acids as DHA. 2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) maternal intake contributes to the normal development of the eye of the foetus and breastfed infants. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to pregnant and lactating women that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The claim can be used only for food which provides a daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA. 3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) maternal intake contributes to the normal brain development of the foetus and breastfed infants. Conditions of use: Information shall be given to pregnant and lactating women that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA and EPA. The claim can be used only for food which provides a daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA. Brain optimization claim rejected A rejected claim also entered the lawbooks. It sated: "Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) contribute to the optimal brain development of infants and young children”. That rejection means the claim will be banned from November, 2011. Rice added: “While disappointing, the writing was on the wall for the rejection of the brain development claim. Based on the available scientific evidence, the Member States should have been able to come to consensus on the conditions of use. Hopefully, additional research in the future will bring them together for consensus.” DSM-Martek director of scientific affairs, Rob Winwood, told NutraIngredients at the Vitafoods trade show that the new law was, “a major step forward”.