北欧食品分析委员会 (NMKL) Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL, Nordisk Metodikkomité for Naringsmidler) is a Nordic organization founde...
北欧食品分析委员会 (NMKL) Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL, Nordisk Metodikkomité for Naringsmidler) is a Nordic organization founded as 1947, and consists of food analysts - microbiologists, chemists and sensory analysts - from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The committee's primary objective is to select, validate, approve and publish methods for the analysis of foods. Performance characteristics are initially assessed in collaborative studies, arranged by NMKL or other cooperating international organizations. In recent years, the establishment of procedures and guidelines regarding quality assurance has been added to on NMKLs working programme.